Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin Supplements | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Vitamin Supplements

Most adults who eat a balanced diet and get consistent sun exposure will not need vitamin supplements. It is important to have physician input on vitamin supplements, as some vitamins may be harmful when in excess.

Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, and B12 are important for the metabolism, may be used as a stress reducer, and helps with nervous system functions.

  • B1 is also known as thiamine and is used in carbohydrate metabolism and nerve functioning. People who are deficient in thiamine usually display symptoms of confusion and muscle weakness.
  • B2 is also referred to as riboflavin and is considered important in the body’s production of energy and may influence concentration levels and mood stability.
  • B3, or niacin, is helpful in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Niacin deficiency may display itself as a skin rash occurring with symptoms of dementia and diarrhea.
  • B6 is also known as pyridoxine and is commonly used for people with depression, as it eventually becomes serotonin. B6 is also important for red blood cell development and some immune system boost.
  • B8, or folic acid, is extremely important during pregnancy as it is an important part of DNA synthesis, nervous system care, and is seen to prevent neural tube birth defects.
  • B12 is important for protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism as well as memory and concentration. Deficiencies in B12 usually present as a change in mental status and nerve-related pain.

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone metabolism. Vitamin D is a very important factor in calcium absorption and is used in combination with calcium to treat and prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin E is used as an antioxidant to improve the immune system and aid in wound healing. Vitamin C is another antioxidant and functions in the immune system, wound healing, and treatment of infections.


Ginkgo is an herb that seems to help conditions that influence the brain like Alzheimer’s, headaches, ringing of the ears, and mood disorders. Ginkgo may interact with certain medications and should only be taken after talking with your physician.



Comprehensive Pain Management Center